Thursday, July 12, 2007

ReSharper V3.0 and XML Comments

If you are using ReSharper V3, you may notice that instead of seeing the little green box at the top right of the code window (which normally indicates that you have no errors or warnings in your code) you now have a yellow box that indicates that you have a warning in your code! That warning is most likely due to missing XML comments in your C# code. You can get ReSharper to ignore missing XML comments by going into your project's properties and entering the warning number 1591 into the "Suppress Warnings" text box.

Solution Item Tracking in VS.NET 2005

One of my favorite features in VS.NET is the ability to click anywhere in an open class file and have the solution explorer automatically select that file in its window. This way I can see exactly which project the file resides in. You can turn this feature on in VS.NET by selecting Tools/Options/Projects & Solutions and click on the checkbox labeled "Track Active Item In Solution Explorer".